Tags: local (20 bookmarks)

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  1. An article highlighting the Cool Climate tool which help households and local leaders calculate carbon footprints and develop specific actions plans in response.
  2. Acil durum yönetiminin merkez, taşra ve okul örgütlenmesini içeren model, ilgili literatüre göre geliştirilmiştir. Bir sorukagidi uygulamasi ile ilgili kurumlarin gorusleri de alinmistir. A model developed that emergency organization's aspect of government, local and school administration. In term of a questionnaire application, reviews of related organizations about the proposed model had been measured.
  3. A global review to collect perspectives from the local level as to how the HFA is progressing, already involving network members in more than forty countries.
  4. Study of the benefits and costs of disaster risk reduction across a series of case areas in India, Nepal and Pakistan, focusing on water related disasters and the manner in which they may change as a consequence of climate change.
  5. A collection of practice notes developed by Christian Aid to help civil society organisations and communities to better monitor, influence and secure commitment to the Hyogo Framework for Action at the local level.
  6. 'The Lower Ninth Ward Neighborhood Empowerment Network Association (NENA) was established in the aftermath of Katrina to play a lead role in rebuilding New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward.'
  7. A collection of methodologies and case studies on CRA to help users to identify the most appropriate assessment methodologies and applications. Guidance notes for each of the the methods and case studies provide additional analysis.

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