Tags: vulnerability + recovery (12 bookmarks)

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  1. Analysis of the delivery of emergency financial benefits, such as pensions, Social Security, and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, as well as payments relating to the disaster such as emergency food stamps, unemployment insurance, and emergency cash assistance.
  2. Blog on disasters, hazards and community resilience
  3. research institute on disaster risk reduction and emergency planning
  4. A study describing 'the experiences of children and their families in the days and weeks following the storm, discusses what was done on behalf of children to reduce their vulnerability, and illustrates various things that children did for themselves'.
  5. Article hosted by the Alternative Law Forum on impacts of the caste system on food security in the tsunami-affected states in India.
  6. The Business of Development "profiles and examines the most significant sustainable development projects, the best company practices and innovative partnerships for development both on international and national levels".

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