Tags: development (188 bookmarks)

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  1. Website for tracking development finance.
  2. List of a variety of podcast audio programs on various aspects of economics.
  3. A tool which uses Google Earth and a wide range of satellite imagery to monitor aspect's of the Earth's environment, e.g. changes in vegetation, forestation, and water surface area.
  4. Article outlining a program to assist countries in securitizing their future remittance receipts to raise financing for infrastructure and development projects.
  5. An article highlighting the Cool Climate tool which help households and local leaders calculate carbon footprints and develop specific actions plans in response.
  6. A report of the Risk Response Network of the World Economic Forum that contains some very good analysis and illustration of risk issues, and particularly the nexuses of interaction between different risk factors.
  7. Clearinghouse for strategies and resources for community-based economic development.

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