Tags: data (21 bookmarks)

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  1. An iPhone app that encourages people to help monitor the health of local creeks and watersheds, including amount of water, rate of flow, amount of trash, and a photo.
  2. Demonstration site that explores how mobile phones can be used by neighborhoods and communities (in this case by people with disabilities and their carers) to gather local information, build local knowledge and integrate this with statistical, administrative and planning data within a community data repository.
  3. Childinfo.org: Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys - Previous Surveys - Available reports/datasets by country
  4. Set of case examples and background articles on data visualization on the internet.
  5. Project to enable K-12 teachers and students, as well as citizen scientists, to explore the large volumes of data that NASA collects about the Earth from space.
  6. Collaboration site for contributing to space exploration efforts.
  7. Photo-panoramas from 13 households at different income levels and 3 schools in Mozambique, South Africa and Uganda.
  8. Swivel is a service where the public can upload and explore data.

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