Tags: technology + collaboration + coordination (11 bookmarks)

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  1. A website which 'site details the efforts of InterAction members and others in the NGO community to help those affected by the earthquake and assist Haiti with its recovery'. The site is also developing a Food Security Aid Map which is due to be released in March 2011.
  2. An article proposing using wikis to share information faster and more easily during emergencies and ways to enhance them semantically.
  3. Article about results of Pentagon review of "how well the U.S. military was communicating with humanitarian groups trying to feed and house millions of displaced Indonesians".
  4. Suggestion for channeling collaborative efforts like the PeopleFinder Project, Hands On Network, and the Community Technology Center Network toward similar efforts for disaster preparedenss.
  5. Overview and timeline of ad hoc coordination in developing PeopleFinder and other tools for supporting linking and recovery efforts fro Hurricane Katrina.
  6. Blod discussion of using sociall tagging to support coordination and participation in Hurricane Katrina relief and recovery activities.
  7. Blog dialogue on proposals to "bring together the best of the web — software, hardware, infrastructure, media, money — to start to gather around needs and solutions" for disaster recovery.
  8. Blog post outlining possibility for developing a web-based mapping system to serve as a clearinghouse for offers of housing and ridesharing for hurricane victims. Also includes some ideas for addressing trust issues.
  9. Map "intended for the use of people affected by Hurricane Katrina who have or are trying to find information about the status of specific locations affected by the storm and its aftermath".
  10. "The Trust Project is an examination of issues related to using trust in web based social networks."

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